Sunrise Dental Chatswood


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5 Natural Ways To Whiten Your Teeth

If you’ve been longing for a whiter smile, you’re not alone! We at Sunrise Dental Chatswood offer teeth-whitening treatments—a quick and easy treatment that can brighten your teeth. While this cosmetic dentistry treatment is an excellent way to whiten your teeth, it won’t last forever, as teeth naturally stain and discolor over time. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do something about it between visits to your Chatswood dentist. In fact, there are many ways to whiten your teeth naturally. For your benefit, we have provided you with seven different ways to whiten your teeth naturally. How To Whiten Teeth Naturally The following strategies may help whiten teeth: Making dietary changes Not eating foods that stain your teeth can prevent further staining. Foods and beverages that contain tannins, such as wine and tea, can stain teeth. Coffee, dark-colored sodas, and fruit juices can also stain teeth. Acidic foods can wear

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What Are Dental X-Rays and How Do Dental X-Rays Work?

Dental X-rays help Sunrise Chatswood dentists visualize diseases of the teeth and surrounding tissue that cannot be seen with a simple oral exam. For example, X-rays can help pick up signs of decay underneath. X-rays also help to detect problems with the roots of the teeth, changes in the bone, unerupted teeth such as wisdom teeth, infections, and if there are issues with the jaw and facial bones. X-rays also assist with planning for dental care, including fillings, implants, tooth extraction, and orthodontics. Which can help save you money, unnecessary discomfort, and maybe even your life. Why are Sunrise Chatswood Dental X-Rays Performed? Sunrise Dental Chatswood X-rays are usually done once a year. If your Chatswood dentist is tracking the progress of a dental problem or treatment, x-rays may be done more frequently. Factors that may affect how often you receive dental x-rays include If you are a new patient,

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orthodontics treatment

What Are The Procedures in Orthodontics?

Well-aligned teeth and jaws are the cornerstone of a healthy, beautiful smile and good oral health. From treating pain to improving chewing and biting ability, Sunrise Dental Chatswood orthodontic treatment helps prevent serious dental disease later in life. Problems such as gum disease, tooth decay, and broken teeth can all be avoided with orthodontic procedures. What is Orthodontics? Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of “bad bites” (malocclusions). Common orthodontic treatments include braces, clear aligners, and retainers. The way your teeth are aligned can have a major impact on your oral health. By improving the way the upper and lower teeth bite together, the risk of a range of oral health problems can be reduced, including dental caries, gum disease, and excessive wear and tear (erosion). What Procedures Are Considered Orthodontic? Orthodontic procedures align your teeth, improve your bite, and use a fixed

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The Ultimate Guide to Understanding How Invisalign Works

What Is Invisalign? Invisalign is a modern orthodontic treatment that uses a series of clear, custom-made aligners to gradually move teeth into the desired position. Unlike traditional metal braces that use brackets and wires, Invisalign aligners are made of a smooth, virtually invisible plastic material. This means you can straighten your teeth without calling attention to your smile. Who Is Invisalign For? Invisalign is suitable for almost anyone who wants to improve their smile or make their teeth more aligned. Patients who need to straighten their back teeth may not be candidates for Invisalign. For a professional opinion on whether you or a family member is a good candidate for Invisalign orthodontic treatment, contact Sunrise Dental Chatswood (Google Map Direction ). How Does Invisalign Work? Invisalign aligners use customized plastic trays that are worn by the patient to slowly move the teeth. The trays are replaced every two weeks with

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What Is A Dental Bridge?

Dental bridges replace missing teeth. Specifically, they can replace one tooth or a row of missing teeth. As the name implies, this appliance literally “bridges the gap” in your smile. Chatswood dentists can create custom bridges that match the shade of your natural teeth. There are different parts that make up a dental bridge: Abutments are the structures that support your dental bridge. While the term often refers to natural teeth, it can also refer to tiny connector posts used in dental implant-supported bridges. Pontics are the artificial (false) teeth that fill in the gap left behind by missing teeth. Depending on your situation and the type of bridge you receive, your bridge might consist of one or more abutments and one or more pontics. Dental Bridge Types There are four main types of dental bridges: Traditional dental bridge A traditional dental bridge consists of a false tooth or teeth

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What You Should Know About Wisdom Teeth

Why Do We Have Wisdom Teeth? Teeth are categorized by their placement and function. Sharper teeth near the front of your mouth tear food into smaller pieces, while flatter teeth at the back of your mouth grind the food down. These flatter teeth are called molars. Adults have three sets of molars, each set consisting of four teeth on the top, bottom, and both sides of the mouth. From infancy through early adolescence, humans develop their first set of “baby” teeth, lose them, and then get a whole new set again that they’ll keep for life. But only two sets of molars (8 teeth), arrive during the emergence of those adult teeth. Sometime between the ages of 17 and 21, most adults will develop their third set of molars, which sit the farthest back. These molars are more commonly called wisdom teeth because they show up last, when you’re “older

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Root Canal Aftercare: Effective Tips For Speedy Recovery

What is a Root Canal? Has your Chatswood dentist or endodontist told you that you need a root canal? If so, you’re not alone. More people’s teeth are treated and saved each year with the root canal, or endodontic, treatment. A root canal (endodontic therapy) is a dental treatment for infections in the tooth pulp, the innermost layer of your teeth. Often, you can avoid needing a root canal by taking care of your teeth. Why would I need a root canal? You may need a root canal if bacteria inside your mouth invade the pulp inside your tooth and cause inflammation (pulpitis). Your tooth pulp may come under bacterial attack if: Procedure Endodontic treatment can often be performed in one or two visits and involves the following steps: If the tooth lacks sufficient structure to hold the restoration in place, your dentist or endodontist may place a post inside

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Tooth Extraction: Cost, Procedure, Risks, and Recovery

Dentists in the world know the importance of oral health and teeth. Teeth play an important role in chewing and swallowing, and a healthy mouth is essential for oral health. Retention of a tooth is an important goal in Sunrise Dental Chatswood. Natural teeth are irreplaceable, which is why dentists try their level best to save them. However, teeth can eventually become too big or misshapen to function correctly. This is when tooth extraction surgery comes into play – a procedure often needed as a last resort. Here at Sunrise Dental, the Sunrise Chatswood dentist will remove the tooth(s) from your mouth using various techniques and equipment. Tooth extraction costs vary depending on the type of tooth extraction procedure and the location of the teeth that need to be removed. Dental extraction surgery carries some risks, such as pain and bleeding, but most patients report satisfactory postoperative recoveries. So if

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Dentures vs Implants: How to Choose

Missing teeth are not only unhealthy for your mouth, but They can also impact your overall health and self-esteem. If you’re missing teeth, there’s no reason to be ashamed. Tooth loss is relatively common, not just for older people but younger individuals as well. Nearly 70% of adults aged 35 to 44 have at least one missing tooth, and 1 in 4 people over the age of 74 are missing all of their teeth. Our forefathers used to replace missing teeth with dentures made from rare hippopotamus ivory, human bone, and metal fasteners. Fortunately, we have better options available today. Dental implants and dentures can help restore confidence in your smile and keep your mouth healthy. If you’re having trouble deciding, Sunrisedental Chatswood sharing the benefits and drawbacks of each option: Dentures Dentures are oral appliances made to look and function like natural teeth. Our dentists may recommend a full

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What is emergency dental?

Emergency dentistry is a special service offered by professional dentists that aims to address dental emergencies that occur without any notice or warning. Most people visit their dentists for regular checkups or scheduled treatments and procedures. However, there are people who visit their dentists without planning it. Unexpected visits to the dentist are quite normal. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 47.9% of the Australian population saw a dentist for a dental emergency in the preceding year. When are emergency dental services needed? Dental emergencies vary depending on the person and the severity of the case. Something as simple as a chipped tooth could constitute a dental emergency to someone who really values their facial appearance. However, if a dental issue is not causing you any pain or discomfort, there’s no need to seek emergency dentistry services. You would typically seek emergency dentistry services if you have sustained a

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How much does it cost to clean your teeth Australia?

Teeth Cleaning Cost in Sydney When cleaning your teeth professionally, the cost can vary quite a bit depending on where you live. Costs can range from $100 to $350, depending on the dental problems and general dental practitioners you visit. This is why it is better to look around for teeth cleaning special offers to get it at a discounted price. At Sunrise Chatswood Dental, if you are a patient with us, you get a full dental clean, for $99 (Valued at $299). If you have private health insurance it will be no gap, meaning no out of pocket fee and only charge the claimed amount from the health fund. Any necessary dental x-ray performed if needed at the discretion of dentist will incur additional costs. Please check with your dentist at your initial examination visit. What Is Dentist Teeth Cleaning Dentist teeth cleaning is one of the most important

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Keeping Your Child’s Teeth Healthy

Caring for children’s dental health is like building a house: both require a specialised skill set, a strong foundation, and a commitment to quality. When should I schedule my child’s first trip to the dentist? Should my 3-year-old be flossing? How do I know if my child needs braces? Many parents have a tough time judging how much dental care their kids need. They know they want to prevent cavities, but they don’t always know the best way to do so. Here are some tips and guidelines. Development of Children’s Teeth Children get their teeth at different times, but most babies will get their first tooth between six months and 10 months. Most children will have all twenty baby teeth by the time they are three years old. Adult teeth replace baby teeth between the ages of six and 12 years. The wisdom teeth are the last teeth to emerge,

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