Sunrise Dental Chatswood

The Ultimate Guide to Understanding How Invisalign Works

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a modern orthodontic treatment that uses a series of clear, custom-made aligners to gradually move teeth into the desired position. Unlike traditional metal braces that use brackets and wires, Invisalign aligners are made of a smooth, virtually invisible plastic material. This means you can straighten your teeth without calling attention to your smile.

Who Is Invisalign For?

Invisalign is suitable for almost anyone who wants to improve their smile or make their teeth more aligned.

  • Teens: Invisalign can help teens straighten most misaligned teeth. Invisalign is perfect for teens because it uses clear aligners to achieve a bright smile and improve dental health. This is especially useful since the teenage years are often filled with self-consciousness. With their short treatment time and ease of use, Invisalign aligners are ideal for teens who want an attractive smile.
  • Adults: More and more adults are taking control of their health by opting for orthodontic treatment. Invisalign is ideal for adults who want flexibility in the orthodontic process and want a better smile without the use of highly visible metal braces.

Patients who need to straighten their back teeth may not be candidates for Invisalign. For a professional opinion on whether you or a family member is a good candidate for Invisalign orthodontic treatment, contact Sunrise Dental Chatswood (Google Map Direction ).

How Does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign aligners use customized plastic trays that are worn by the patient to slowly move the teeth. The trays are replaced every two weeks with a different sized tray, and over time, the teeth will eventually become straight.

The aligners must be worn around the clock and can only be removed when eating, drinking, or brushing. These aligners are made of a clear plastic material that is customized for the patient, so they fit your teeth perfectly.

Invisalign Vs Braces

Advantages of Invisalign
  • Invisalign looks better

The biggest advantage of Invisalign is that the retainers are virtually invisible. Adult patients like the fact that their coworkers and clients can’t see that they are undergoing orthodontic treatment. So do teenagers with low self-esteem.

  • You can eat with your aligners

For best results, Invisalign needs to be worn 20-22 hours a day, which means you can remove your aligners while eating. This means you don’t have to change your eating habits. With braces, people may find some foods difficult or uncomfortable to eat.

  • Brushing and flossing is easier

As well as eating and drinking, you can remove your invisible braces to brush your teeth. Since there is nothing on your teeth to worry about, you can continue to brush and floss as before.

  • Fewer Consultations

With Invisalign, most of the Chatswood orthodontist’s work will be done before you wear your aligners. The results of a 3D scan of your teeth will be used to create all customized retainers in the lab. You should change multiple sets of retainers as directed by the dentists in Sunrise Dental Chatswood. You will not need to visit the orthodontist for adjustments, so you can minimize the number of progress checks.

Disadvantages of Invisalign
  • Patients need to be self-disciplined

Being able to remove your aligners is both a pro and a con. If you are undisciplined and don’t put your aligners back in your mouth after eating or brushing your teeth, then you won’t be able to wear them for the required 22 hours a day. Without wearing your aligners for extended periods of time, your treatment may not be optimized. The main reason why Invisalign treatment fails is the lack of patient compliance with wearing the aligners.

  • Removal of aligners may be inconvenient

You will need to remove your aligners before eating or drinking anything other than water. In public, you will need to remove your aligners discreetly so that you do not lose them. You will need to brush your teeth before replacing your aligners. Food particles can prevent your teeth from moving and can stain your aligners. You are also at increased risk of cavities and bad breath.

  • Cost

We are often asked, “Are Invisalign braces cheap? The cost of Invisalign aligners is comparable to braces due to advances in 3-D scanning technology and the flexible materials used to create the aligners. Depending on the specific problem, some treatments are difficult, if not impossible, to achieve with Invisalign alone, so your dentist in Sunrise Dental Chatswood may discuss with you the possibility of finalizing the position of your teeth through braces, which may result in a more expensive treatment.

Advantages of braces
  • Suitable for all treatments

With braces, it doesn’t matter how difficult your situation is. You may have a variety of dental and facial issues that need to be corrected; braces can be used to address each of them, leaving you with a stunning smile when you’re done with your treatment. Braces use anchors and archwires to pull teeth into place. They are the most effective treatment for moving your teeth into the ideal position.

  • Achieving Perfect Results

Braces are more effective than Invisalign. Braces have more power to move the teeth into the desired position. In contrast, Invisalign aligners have a limited number of teeth to move at a time.

  • Multiple Braces Options

Braces are more than just the traditional metal brackets and wires. Now, patients can choose between lingual and ceramic braces to ensure that the braces are less noticeable. So, if you’re concerned about the appearance of metal braces, you can also benefit from the great features of braces.

  • Faster treatment times

One thing you need to keep in mind is: which is faster, braces or Invisalign? Generally speaking, braces and Invisalign treatment times are shorter when it comes to closing gaps and aligning teeth. The speed of treatment is an important factor, as many people want to complete their orthodontic treatment as quickly as possible. The skill and experience of a specialized dentist in Sunrise Dental Chatswood also contribute to shorter treatment times.

Disadvantages of braces
  • Aesthetics of braces

Some people do not like the look of traditional braces. They worry about feeling self-conscious about their appearance in certain social situations.

  • Brushing

Brushing and flossing your teeth can be a little more difficult with braces. If you don’t clean your teeth properly, plaque can build up around your braces, leading to staining and tooth decay. Patients need to follow their orthodontist’s instructions for proper brushing and flossing after braces are placed.

  • Diet and food preparation

There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to diet after braces are put on. Hard and sticky foods can cause archwires to break or brackets to fall off the teeth. Once this happens, the braces will not work until the break is repaired. Multiple breaks can extend the length of your treatment.

  • Regular Consultations

Once your braces are in place, you will need to see your dentist in Sunrise Dental Chatswood regularly to check progress and make adjustments. About once a month, your orthodontist will check how much your teeth have moved and make adjustments so that they continue to move in the desired direction. If you’re wondering if braces are better than Invisalign, learn how these regular checkups can play an important role in determining which orthodontic option is best for your needs.

Invisalign patients are seen approximately every two months because their aligners have been fabricated and can be replaced without an orthodontist.

Find the best dental service in Chatswood!

Why Choose Sunrise Dental Chatswood for Invisalign

Sunrise Dental is one of the most trusted and experienced dental clinics in Chatswood.

As dental health providers for so many of the area’s families, we understand the importance of the dentistry and oral health of the local inhabitants. To ensure that our service can reach as many people as possible, we do our utmost to keep our prices competitive.

Sunrise Dental Chatswood is a cutting-edge dental cosmetic clinic staffed by a team of highly experienced dentists. We offer comprehensive care for the entire family in a relaxed setting. While Invisalign pros and cons can only be weighed up by our patients and their families, we are happy to say that Invisalign is a superb option for many.

To find out about the Invisalign cost and to have any other questions regarding the Invisalign process answered, please contact our clinic today.

When you choose Sunrise Dental Chatswood, we guarantee you and your family’s needs are met! Contact us, Get Special Offer Today!

Sunrise Dental Chatswood – the best Chatswood dentist service: Suite 101, level 1,781 Pacific Highway, Chatswood NSW 2067, Australia, +61 294 195 412, Book on Healthengine.