Sunrise Dental Chatswood

Dentures vs Implants: How to Choose

Missing teeth are not only unhealthy for your mouth, but They can also impact your overall health and self-esteem.

If you’re missing teeth, there’s no reason to be ashamed. Tooth loss is relatively common, not just for older people but younger individuals as well. Nearly 70% of adults aged 35 to 44 have at least one missing tooth, and 1 in 4 people over the age of 74 are missing all of their teeth.

Our forefathers used to replace missing teeth with dentures made from rare hippopotamus ivory, human bone, and metal fasteners. Fortunately, we have better options available today.

Dental implants and dentures can help restore confidence in your smile and keep your mouth healthy. If you’re having trouble deciding, Sunrisedental Chatswood sharing the benefits and drawbacks of each option:


Denture - Dentures vs Implants: How to Choose | Sunrisedental Chatswood

Dentures are oral appliances made to look and function like natural teeth. Our dentists may recommend a full or partial denture, depending on the extent of tooth loss. While a complete denture replaces an entire arch of teeth, a partial denture only returns a few teeth.

We can help you explore the different types of dentures available, including partial, complete, conventional, and immediate.

Dentures sit on top of your gums and must be removed before you go to sleep so your gums have a chance to recover. When you’re not wearing your dentures, they’ll need to be submerged in a glass of water or denture cleanser so they don’t dry out, crack, and warp.

Pros of Dentures

  • Dentures are less expensive than implants.
  • Dentures can be placed by patients who have experienced bone and gum loss (unlike implants, which must be anchored to bone).
  • The procedure for fitting dentures is non-invasive. Also, drilling into the bone–a part of the implant process–is not required for dentures.
  • Making dentures is relatively quick and only requires about four dental visits.

Cons of Dentures

  • Adjustments or replacements may be necessary, as the structure of your face and gums change with age.
  • Dentures can take some getting used to and may be uncomfortable, especially during the first day or two of wearing them. You might experience increased salivation, difficulty chewing, and difficulty speaking.
  • Just like regular teeth, dentures will require daily care. Infection around the mouth and gums can occur if your dentures aren’t properly cared for.

Dental Implants

Dental Implants - Dentures vs Implants: How to Choose | Sunrisedental Chatswood

A dental implant is a prosthetic tooth root (typically made of titanium) placed in your jaw to support a crown later. Many patients appreciate that dental implants look and function like natural teeth.

You can continue eating your favorite foods without worrying about slipping dentures. Taking care of your dental implants like natural teeth is essential, such as brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing once daily.

Pros of Dental Implants

  • Dental implants are incredibly successful–they have better than a 95% success rate at Sunrisedental!
  • Long-lasting, the implants will hold up for 20 years or more.
  • Dental implants are as straightforward to care for as regular teeth.
  • Implants preserve the integrity of your facial structure and jaw bones.
  • Like regular teeth, implants allow the bone to continue growing.
  • It’s possible to get dental implants in a single day (remember that the procedure requires follow-ups, however).

Cons of Dental Implants

  • Regarding the costs of dental implants vs dentures, dentures are the cheaper choice.
  • Not everyone is a candidate for dental implants since implants need healthy bones and gums to secure the jaw properly. (Bone and tissue grafts can be done. However, that will further rack up the price).

Alternatives to dentures and implants

Dentures and implants are the only two options for replacing missing teeth. Other alternative treatments to discuss with your Chatswood dentist include:

Dental bridge

If you’re missing one or more teeth, a dental bridge can be a convenient approach to filling that gap. Also known as a fixed partial denture, a bridge attaches to surrounding teeth for support.

Many individuals with dental bridges are satisfied with them. However, patient education is needed on these devices’ proper care and maintenance.

Request an Appointment

Dr. Geoff Atherton and Dr. William Yiu are dental implant dentists in Chatswood who are willing to answer your questions about dentures, dental implants, and other oral health needs when you come for an appointment. They offer a range of tooth replacement options, including dentures and dental implants. To request an appointment with one of our dentists, call (02) 9419 5412.